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- The Real Reason Why You Are Broke and Depressed!
The Real Reason Why You Are Broke and Depressed!
It's not what you think, or what you've been told.
I'm So Sorry For All the Lies You’ve Been Told. Here’s The Brutal Truth.

It's not what you think, or what you've been told.
It’s not because you lack opportunity!
Is not because of "Systemic Injustice"!
Not even from circumstances beyond your control!
Question: What advantages did I have over you?
Answer: Nothing!
I was not born rich, never even finished school. But I'm richer than you ever will be! Your wife will be poor and so will your kids. Why do you think that’s the case? Is there a label on your head that reads, “LOSER”? Perhaps there is…
But guess what, I had that label. But it’s just a label.
Here’s the good news. You can remove that label, just as I did. All you need to do is to start taking action!
Answer this question honestly:
Have you even tried ANYTHING to change your situation?
Ask Yourself, what is the reason I'm rich, and you're not? What is the difference between me and you? What’s the difference between YOU, and all the other unprivileged, ordinary people who managed to stop being poor and depressed.
Do you really have a super power of being a pathetic loser?
You're lazy, and that’s all!
TRUTH: There's only ONE DIFFERENCE between you and the successful.
We Did SOMETHING, and you didn't even bother! You're lazy, and that’s all!
Do something different today. Start by reading 10 pages of any finance book with good ratings. Books are cheap these days. You just have to give up on a couple Starbucks, McDonald’s, or whatever useless crap you slave yourself to everyday.
Oh you're too lazy to read? At least start watching some finance YouTube videos each day. It’s not that hard. Type some simple questions on YouTube, “How to be financially free”. Still too lazy to type? Here I’ll find one video for you!
You will at least see how others are doing it and realize that it’s actually possible to change. Many people that are no different from you have managed to change. You already spend time and effort watching stupid things online, may as well do something for yourself instead for once!
Get you ass up and make that ONE CHANGE. Start small, but start! You’ll be amazed where it would lead you.
Your future self who’s sitting on success will thank you for taking this first step today. If you don’t do anything now, your future self will still be in the exact same spot or even worse than today!
What do you choose?